Are you looking for business analytics content for your courses this semester? Whether you need a full analytics course, a multi-class-period case, or a small 30-minute analytics discussion, the University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics is here to help. Click below to sign-up and access all of our content for free!
Help. I need a full analytics course.
The University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics can help with that. The Center has four courses that teach business analytics using Python (the most popular data science programming language). Courses are divided into modules, which can be used on their own or integrated into existing curriculum. Each module contains multiple lessons, short videos, and assigned reading.
Construct an Introduction to Python Course by using Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy I for the first part of the semester to introduce students to programming and Python basics. Then, fill in any remaining time by picking specific topics such as text analytics and time series analysis using Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy II. Finally, if you need some more advanced topics, pick and choose machine learning concepts from Second Course in Foundation of Data Analytics. These courses are general enough to be appropriate for any business discipline, not just accounting.
Help. I need a comprehensive analytics case.
Once again, the Center can help with that. Cases are a critical way to apply business analytics skills to real data to solve realistic business problems. The Center currently has four cases that are ideally completed over several class periods. For example, in the Chicago Cab Case, students use Python and real data to walk through the entire data analytics workflow. Students gather, load, and clean data, describe and explore the data, and use regression to draw conclusions about the data. Finally, students take what they have learned to make a business recommendation to a client.
Help. I need to inject analytics content into my existing class.
The Center can help with that too. We have 10 shorter cases that are designed as short lessons to build students’ understanding of data analytics and to illustrate their application in a variety of business contexts. Unlike longer case studies, mini-cases are designed to take 15-30 minutes of class time. For example, the Surrogation Bias case helps students understand the dangers related to implementing and using performance measures. It cites important academic research in this area and relates the problem to a scenario that students can relate to. The case highlights how modern analytics techniques affect this problem and provides simple exercises to do in class.
The University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business analytics is here to help you teach business analytics by offering a wealth of analytics resources free of charge. Poke around and explore and download whatever you might find useful. Don’t hesitate to connect with us, stay informed about new content, and give us any feedback you have. We wish you the best of luck in your analytics journey!