Decision Fatigue
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Imagine a situation during exam week: You have been taking exams nonstop for the past two days and will be taking two more exams the next day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). You plan to attend a career fair the next evening. It is almost midnight and you are very tired, but you have not finished studying for one of the exams. You could stay up longer to prepare for the exams or could stop working and sleep. What would you do in this situation, and why?
Minjeong (MJ) Kim & Fei Du
Fei Du, PhD
Assistant Professor of Accountancy
Gies College of Business
R.C. Evans Data Analytics Fellow
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Minjeong (MJ) Kim
PhD Student in Accountancy
Gies College of Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign