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Does Workplace Wellness Work?

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Some of the main drivers of high health care spending in the US are related to smoking and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Increasing the use of preventive care could potentially help people avoid these diseases, thereby lowering costs. How can this best be accomplished? One widely touted solution is increased use of workplace wellness programs. The workplace wellness industry has more than quadrupled since 2011, drawing in $8 billion in annual revenue and covering over 50 million American workers. Among large US firms offering health benefits in 2019, 84% also offered a wellness program. However, there are significant concerns that these wellness programs actually do not work.


David Molitor & Julian Relif

David Molitor
Associate Professor of Finance and RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow

Julian Reif
Associate Professor of Finance and RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow

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